CVMS Board Minutes for November 2023


Members present: Greg Warth, David Archer, Jerome Blackman, Keith Berger, Alexandria Berger, Jim Beckner. Excused: Lisa Barr, Joel Bundy, Karen Greenhalgh, Juan Montero (ZOOM Meeting)

1.     Call to order at 7:05PM

2.     Financial Report. dues and donations income reported by Greg Warth.

3.     Membership Report. The growth in membership was reported by Dr. Warth.

4.     We discussed in detail the time and location of the first membership meeting which will be tentatively scheduled on December 14, 6:30 to 8:30 PM with wine or cocktails and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Dr. A. Berger to verify the date. No business meeting. We will also invite our newly elected representatives.

5.     Mental Health Interview with Dr. Blackman by Dr. A. Berger to be video-taped and presented as a webinar on our website and/or newsletter. This will likely be ready by the end of January or February 2024.

6.     Public Service Report from Dr. A. Berger. She and Dr. Tom Chamberlain will begin production of a 3 min television spot on the news of each channel to talk about medical news as a public service and to enhance public acceptance and trust in CVMS.

7.     Advocacy Report. We are anxious to make things happen from an advocacy standpoint. There was some disappointment at the MSV Annual Meeting because not much happened regarding the issues we are concerned about. But we learned a lot about the process and understand that it takes time. We do wish to focus more on how CON laws adversely affect independent procedural clinics. We may propose a resolution to that effect next year. MSV wants to help but prefers to work “behind the scenes” with legislators. They believe their more subtle approach is better for convincing the legislators. Meanwhile patients are paying twice as much and waiting twice as long as necessary to have them scheduled in the hospital. Independent providers cannot charge as much as they should be able to because of CON restrictions, causing them to close their clinics or not open them in the first place.

8.     Dr. Blackman suggested a committee should be formed consisting of Dr. Keith Berger and Dr. Alexandria Berger to evaluate and create resolutions for the CON and price transparency problem that is specific to independent procedural practices. The Board approved and enacted this committee.

9.     Dr. Warth felt we should be more aggressive next year at submitting proposals and resolutions. We will continue to fight for these and other issues wherever we can. Our experience at the 2023 MSV meeting will make us more effective at the next one.

10.  Board members will help in writing more articles for The Bulletin.

The meeting was then adjourned at 8:10 PM

Respectfully submitted by Drs. David Archer and Greg Warth.

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